There are times when the unexpected seems almost the norm around here.
We were fortunate to be offered a tour of the Hospital in Boma. As we visited the men's ward (which consisted of a small room with three beds) and the the AIDS clinic we noted a herd of cows grazing on what little grass found life around the various buildings.
After touring the pediatric ward we head to the Maternity/Women's building.
Just outside the Maternity ward a cow had given birth.
Nurses and other staff joined us outside to celebrate this miracle. As the mother carefully and loving licked her new born, the youngster struggled to find the strength in his legs to stand. Unsuccessful over a number of attempts it seems that due to the lack of grass available for the mother cow while pregnant, this calf was weak and it would be a long time before it would rise.
We returned home, but wondered throughout the evening about the fate of this youngster.
The next morning, we learned that late into the previous evening the calf did begin to walk.
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