At Boma Primary School pumakazi is recess.
The boys run onto the dirt field to play foot ball (we call it soccer) and the girls play "trikri" (hopscotch) or dodge-the-ball.
Sounds like recess any where. But the girls are playing in the school's dirt driveway tossing a ball of fabric at each other. Their speed and accuracy when throwing is to be marveled at. The ability to dodge and leap out of the trajectory of the ball is equally skilled.
The boys are chasing a deflated soccer ball held together with twine. The dust whirls around them, causing by-standers to lose track of the ball, but the children play on making the most of these meager surroundings.
The bell rings and accompanied by sounds of chatter and laughter, they run back to their classroom to continue with their school day.
Goes to prove they make the most of what little they have.